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Posted by IT Admin on 2024-07-19 11:32:56 |


.....as staff gets special training


Staff reporter


There is a paradigm shift in the approach to People Living with Disabilities or to Learners with Special Needs, if we are to speak in our context of the Higher and Tertiary Education Sector. In the yesteryears, learners with Special needs used to be isolated to what were classified as "special schools", "special classes" etc. Nowadays, we talk of what has come to be known as "Inclusive Education" . By this we mean creating a conducive environment amongst the traditional and conventional set ups so that those with Special Needs can also be part of, without necessarily isolating them to schools for the deaf, schools for the blind, etc. This now calls for administrators, architects, engineers and innovators to consider "Universal Designs" within our institutions. These are designs which makes it possible for a learner or member of staff with special needs to feel at home, for instance when at Kwekwe Polytechnic. However, this can not be achieved overnight, but gradually.


In the same vein, Kwekwe Polytechnic's administration saw it necessary to arrange a capacity building workshop aimed at equipping 15 members drawn in a representational capacity from key sections and departments such as HR, training , registry, security,kitchen,library, etc with sign language skills. The whole essence is to enable effective communication between the administration,lectures and our students who rely on semiology for communication. The workshop is running from the 15 of July 2024 to the 19th of July 2024 at Kwekwe Polytechnic. Mr Mbaluka, an expert in Sign language from Mukoba Teachers College is facilitating the workshop. Eng. C. Moyo, the Vice Principal responsible for Administration and Finance officially opened the workshop and was impressed with the progress made so far. The workshop is addressing some physiological barriers to effective communication and this is one other gist of inclusive education. Commenting on the sidelines of the workshop, the College Counsellor, Mr. Gavi could not hide his joy. "I have no hesitation to conclude that the workshop already has been a resounding success as evidenced by members who can now sign (sing) the national anthem using sign language, and they are doing this using skills mastered at day number 3. All these are part of Kwekwe Polytechnic's on-going efforts to fully embrace inclusive education. A few weeks ago, in conjunction with a Partner, Kwekwe Polytechnic sourced a walking cane, braille machine and it's accessories for a learner who is visually challenged. One member of staff is also receiving training on how to use braile. The efforts continue as Kwekwe Polytechnic embraces Inclusive Education Step by step.



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